Vet Skin and Ear service is conducted by Dr Daniel Mitchell. Dr Mitchell has 21 years of experience in treating diseases of dogs, cats and small pets. Dr Mitchell is a Professional Interest Practitioner in Veterinary Dermatology and accepts referrals from other veterinarians, and direct enquiries from clients also.
Advanced training in veterinary dermatology
Dr Mitchell is Certified in Veterinary Dermatology. He completed his training in Europe over 4 years under supervision from the world’s leading veterinary dermatologists at the University of Vienna (Austria). He certified in dermatology through the University of Luxembourg by course work and examination. He continues to study dermatology to stay up to date with the latest techniques, and regularly attends conferences locally and abroad to complement this knowledge. In Australia, he is a professional interest practitioner and takes enquiries from clients directly and veterinary clinics. Dr Mitchell is closely connected to local vets and veterinary specialists in all fields, and this allows for their input to your case as needed. He is well connected to an overseas network of dermatology, surgery, medicine and dermatopathology disciplines. This can be especially useful for very unusual skin diseases. Daniel has a special interest in skin allergy and ear diseases. He has 2 cats, Harriet and Winnie (both torties!) and a kelpie dog named Sooty. He has a small herd of hereford cows. When not tending to pets and horses for their skin complaints, he enjoys many unusual outdoor activities.